
The Silver Lake fastpacking experiment

I finally got my ultra small neo-air sleeping pad, which means that I can now go backpacking with a large daypack (my sleeping bag and bivy are already the smallest and lightest available). So with my approximately ~25 pound backpacking load (that's including my heavy camera gear) we zipped up to Silver lake from Monte Cristo, which is a hike I've been meaning to do for quite a while. Too much snow to continue on to Twin lakes, which is supposed to be twice as gorgeous (har har). Maybe later...

Also, these were slated to be the two hottest days of the year so far, topping 90 on the west side here (craaaaazy). We were sweating bullets hiking up there, but the ice cold water was a treat.

Anyway, like the all the hikes in this area, the trail itself is both punishing and scenic.
Silver Lake 1

Some crazy spires.
Silver Lake 2

Poodle dog pass.... no idea why it's called that... must be something about those goofy turn of the century miners.
Poodle Dog Pass

What in Tarn-ation!?!?

This was in fact, the only cloud in the sky.
Silver Lake 5

I found some sweet quartz with pyrite in it right after I took this.
Silver Lake 7

Ahh yes, night... respite from the heat at last.
Silver Lake Galactica

Crazy spinning sky.

The galaxy.
Accretion Disk

The lake
Silver Lake 8

This is one of those times when I whimsically bent over, set the camera on a rock (instead of pulling out the tripod) and took the picture. I didn't take any more because the first one turned out perfect.
Monte Cristo Waterfall

Relics of a bygone era.
The Wheel of Time

Road hike.
Silver Lake 11

A panorama from the highest point I climbed (scouting the twin lakes trail).
Silver Lake Pano

The ultra trim backpacking system worked ok, but in the future there are things I won't skimp on, like the bear can.... but I'm excited for other trips this year... carry less, be happier.

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Washington, United States