
Forgotten Meadows, again.

I know, I went here once already this year, in February. I almost went back a third time the next day... Phoebe's wallet grew lags (intentionally misspelled) and jumped out of her pack somewhere on the hike. She called the ranger station and they said no luck yet, then at 11:30 the night before I get a text saying she was contacted by someone who found it! Phew... honesty is the best policy kids, everyone wins.

Never been here in mid-summer, always interesting to see how different places are around the year... this hike happens to be fairly brushy, no shortage of stinging neddles and devils club.
Forgotten 1

Since I have like 2 dozen pictures of this waterfall already, I figured I would do something a little offbeat... also, I love the little mini-ivy on the right.
Forgotten 2

Same ol' same ol'.
Forgotten 5

Oh snow.
I got hit with that eventually

My favorite Volcano
Forgotten 7

Del Campo and polarized clouds.
Forgotten 9

The always fun hero shots.
Phoebe, Greek Heroine

Proof I was even there. Plus Mt Baker in the bottom left.
Scruffy Looking Nerf Herder

Forgotten 12

Parts of the talus slopes I measured earlier this year were completely covered in ferns....I mean completely! It was nuts.
Forgotten Fern Explosion

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Washington, United States