
Rainy Mountain Loop Sampler

Decided to go play in the slush today, and give a foriegn friend a tour of my favorite hiking area. Conditions weren't even that bad, road-wise, but it was just raining, all day. My main goal was to scout the trailheads on the Sloan Creek Road, two of which I found, but eventually the snow got too deep for my low car, so I didn't find the other one I wanted to. However, my other goal was to find and photograph the North Fork falls, on the Sauk River, which was also accomplished. Decided there was still plenty of daylight, so we hit big 4 ice caves on the way there, and boulder river on the way out.

I think this is the first (of few) times I've been here and there has actually been a decent sized cave.
Big one at Big four.

Yes, this was the weather the entire day, but incessent rain and clouds is the price we pay for such reasonable, non-extreme weather.
Big 4 ice caves 1

Yes, I drove a Swede around in the snow in my Volvo.
Swedes on ice

Big 4 ice caves 2

Big 4 ice caves 3

Found the North Fork Falls, which I had heard about but never got around to seeing.
North Fork Falls

One more, a slightly longer exposure.
North Fork Falls (1 second)

Then, hit up boulder river on the way back into town.
Boulder Falls 1

Boulder Falls 2

These are tough to photograph in an interesting way, there aren't many angles you can get, especially when the river below is basically flooding.
Boulder Falls 3

But I try regardless.
Boulder Falls 4

Boulder Falls 5

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