Eventually we decided to check out Twin Lakes, by Monte Cristo, a place we've been meaning to see for years.
Whole set here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mrdrfishasuar/sets/72157624602826593/
At the end of the day it was a total of about 20 miles, with many thousands of feet of elevation gain (with steep climbs both ways)... but completely worth it, gorgeous in its own right, and we definitely know it's worth coming back. We both drank about a gallon and a half of water through the day, and definitely not enough food... which is why we stopped for Mexican food in Granite Falls, I had a huge burrito AND a big quesadilla.
You take the Silver lake trail. Therefore you pass Silver lake on the way there.

While the portion to Silver lake is most of the climbing, it is by no means all of it. The trail from Silver to Twin is pretty fantastical however, and gorgeous.

Also, Andrew and I have similar views on what makes a good photo.

Almost to the high pass above the lakes... see how cool the trail is?

Instead of dropping down to the lakes we decided to scramble up a little peak above them (we ended up going down later anyway, for water)
Pretty spectacular huh?

On the peak, which may or may not have a name.

The lakes must be fairly deep, to have such a rich color.

Many flowers, also, the lakes are bigger than they look.

There are some pretty remarkable vertical cliffs at the east end of the lakes.

We were shirtless the entire day, working on our full body lobster impressions.

One last look at the lakes.

One last photo of the awesome trail (this was on the way down)

Exhausted and trashed as I was, I had already made plans to hike Monday to hike with Lauren, which gave my one day to try to recover from both soreness and sunburns (not complaining, just cringing). And of course what hike to I pick other than my all time favorite, Gothic Basin!
The hiking book I have calls this hike "relentless", and for a good reason, there are portions of the trail that go more or less straight up (in order to see someone ten paces ahead of you, you have to crane your neck).
Whole set here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mrdrfishasuar/sets/72157624742954610/
The forecast was about the same: TOO DAMNED HOT. So I packed my chacos and hiked around the basin with them, walking in the ice cold ponds and waterfalls (SO refreshing). Also, I got the makings of my first chaco tan, which is a big deal for an REI employee.

Lauren enjoying a sweet waterfall with a view.

This was pretty amazing, like my own little discovery channel special. We were sitting there watching this mother grouse and her babies, she was completely unconcerned about me (sitting ~5 ft away). Then suddenly she made this little hooting noise, and the babies sprinted for cover behind rocks and in cracks, and become completely motionless. I looked around for the cause, and saw a hawk overhead, just passing by (or hunting, who knows). As soon as the hawk was gone, she made more hooting and they all jumped up and went about their business. Too cool.

One of the babies.

My poor Reeses were completely liquefied.

There was a solid breeze, so it wasn't hot enough to swim... but in fact just right for napping. Lauren slept a solid 15-20 minutes or so.

She also knows how I like people to act for photos.... ridiculous! Goofy faces and exaggerated poses make for fun photos... so... don't take yourselves so seriously.

Also visited the mine shaft... like caving, but not exactly.

The heather is in full bloom.

And I'll end with that beautiful photo. If you are willing to be not-serious in a photo, you are, in fact, qualified to hike with me. All applicants are seriously considered, but I reserve the right to turn down pouty or fussy people.