I've been so busy getting out, that I haven't blogged about getting out in a while.
In June there was some rock climbing, and kayaking. As always, these are just my top choices for displaying, many more photos can be found in the respective flickr sets.
First was exit 38, which kicked off the start of the REAL summer, with the sun coming out and even a bit of oppressive heat. Some great 'epic' shots came out of the day. Here, Kim's first rock climb EVER.... (I break'em in the hard way ;) and she did awesome)

Gloria, who also did awesome.

Kenny, who doesn't really like climbing, but he did great regardless.

And this guy, who kinda sucked in general.

Flying chipmunks!

It takes two girls to belay my fat ass. Also, Micky with the most hair she's had since she was young.

Next up was kayaking in Lake Union. I rented a sit on top kayak, which is approximately 293 times more comfortable than a normal one. Also, it seems half the houseboats are pretty scuzzy, and half are really nice (like this one). Yes, my legs sunburned.

Steve wanted an ultra cliche seattlite picture...

Kinda like urban decay, but not.

My favorite from the day.

Then off to Leavenworth to find more oppressive heat, harder climbing, and general tomfoolery.
Kim's second day of climbing, a badass and very difficult 5.9.

I'm so clever

The spiderman impression

The route used the ENTIRE rope....phew....long route.

Kim being a badass.

Welcome to the brodeo

Micky couldn't handle the bucking bro-nco.

Gorgeous girls in a gorgeous place.